
He's not dead, he's resting

Paludis 0.70.0 Released

Paludis 0.70.0 has been released:

  • ‘cave sync –suffix’ is now known as ‘–source’ (although the old version is still supported for compatibility). The short version is
    still ‘-s’.
  • Command-line arguments that have a short version and can be negated with ‘–no-*’ can now be negated in short form by using ‘+’ instead of ‘-‘, for example ‘+x’ for ‘–no-execute’.
  • Manifest files for E repositories are now generated with the lines in the same order as Portage.
  • The SHA-512 and Whirlpool functions are now supported in Manifest files.
  • The hash functions used to generate Manifest files can now be controlled by either the repository itself or user configuration.

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